Registration is OPEN for fall Music Together classes!

Registration is OPEN for fall Music Together classes! Join us for 10 weeks of Babies, Rhythm Kids, or Mixed Ages family classes.
Music Together® classes are for children from birth through age 7 and their parent(s) or caregiver.
The Music Together® award-winning curriculum is used in a playful, developmentally appropriate environment that utilizes singing, moving, playing instruments, and making music in a fun 45-minute class. This type of music-making is shown to enhance higher-order thinking skills in our children, supporting all learning and providing an opportunity for children to attain basic music competence before learning an instrument.
This type of music-making is shown to enhance higher-order thinking skills in our children, supporting all learning and providing an opportunity for children to attain basic music competence before learning an instrument.
Need-based financial aid is available for families, too!